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Co-Intelligence FAQ


Intelligence can be described in a number of ways:

  • Intelligence is the ability to develop, apply, and change our knowledge and skills.
  • Intelligence is the ability to learn and solve problems, especially in the face of challenges and change.
  • Intelligence is our ability to recognize patterns in our thinking and in life.
  • Intelligence is our capacity to fit our thinking, feeling, and behavior (our inner patterns) with what is actually going on (the patterns of reality).

When we think we know what’s going on and that’s not what’s actually going on, we make “stupid” mistakes. Keeping ourselves aligned with reality – that’s what intelligence is – is vital to our survival, success, and having good lives generally.

A Source Document for Collective Intelligence

In this paper we define intelligence as the ability to interact successfully with one’s world, especially in the face of challenge or change. Human intelligence involves gathering, formulating, modifying, and applying effective knowledge — often in the form of ideas, images, sensations, patterns of response and sense-making — a process we refer to with words like learning, problem solving, planning, visioning, intuition, understanding, creativity, etc.


Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including as one's capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, planning, creativity, and problem solving. It can be more generally described as the ability or inclination to perceive or deduce information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context.

Intelligence is most widely studied in humans, but has also been observed in non-human animals and in plants. Artificial intelligence is intelligence in machines. It is commonly implemented in computer systems using program software.

Within the discipline of psychology, various approaches to human intelligence have been adopted. The psychometric approach is especially familiar to the general public, as well as being the most researched and by far the most widely used in practical settings.[1]

See also


The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

- Einstein [1]

This section is dedicated to monitoring P2P-influenced concepts and practices related to Collective Intelligence, Knowledge Management, epistemology, etc...

At this state we only ported a limited number of items from our related section on P2P Learning, i.e. the relevant entries from A to H.


Please compare the characteristics of Holomidal Collective Intelligence with those of Pyramidal Collective Intelligence

Short Citations

Rule Number One is to pay attention. Rule Number Two might be: Attention is a limited resource, so pay attention to where you pay attention.

- Howard Rheingold [2]

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

  • Arthur Schopenhauer

Long Citations

Systems thinking has a certain simplicity and elegance to it — basically, a shift from seeing the world as a machine to understanding it as a network… To deal with nonlinear systems requires a change of perspective from objects to relationships, from measuring to mapping, and this is why visual thinking becomes important.”

~ Fritjof Capra [3]

"Co-intelligence is the capacity to call forth the wisdom and resources of the whole and its members to enhance the longterm vitality of the whole and its members." Collectively, a community has more - and more diverse - information, perspective, and resources than any individual has. A wise community, a wise leader, and a wise democracy will use that rich diversity creatively and interactively. The diversity will then be mutually enhancing rather than mutually problematic. The appropriate role of the state is to create enabling conditions for that to happen at all levels and in all sectors and facets of society.

- Tom Atlee [4]

The systematic extensions of my brain is the brain of my friends. No matter how good tagging systems and wikis I have, they are neither sustainable nor scalable, when facing the tsunami of complexity waves coming at us faster and faster. The coming chaos is evolution trick’s to push us out from the comfortable but illusory thinking of the individual being the basic cognitive unit. IMHO, it’s the collective.

- George Por

Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people’s experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate, of knowledge. I store my knowledge in my friends is an axiom for collecting knowledge through collecting people.

- Karen Stephenson [5]


To survive and thrive, human systems *need* a not just a network view, but a multi-dimensional, multi-scaled view and definition of systems. this will help us see how many, many people can operate and multiply many forms of wealth within systems that previously seemed easily depletable. Peer networks are vital to creating the multi-dimensional maps and models and views that will allow all of us to see the cornacopia of options that now exist, provided we can shift out focus from exploitation and control, to existential symbiosis with everything that is around us, on as many scales as possible.

- Sam Rose

"From a very early age, we are taught to break apart problems, to fragment the world. This apparently makes complex tasks and subjects more manageable, but we pay a hidden, enormous price. We can no longer see the consequences of our actions; we lose our intrinisic sense of connection to a larger whole. When we then try to ‘see the big picture,’ we try to reassemble the fragments in our minds, to list and organize all the pieces. But, as physicist David Bohm says, the task is futile–similar to trying to reassemble the fragments of a broken mirror to see a true reflection. Thus, after a while we give up trying to see the whole altogether."

- Peter Senge [7]

The Next Civil War will be one over Collective Intelligence

"The conflict of the 21st Century is about forming a Collective Intelligence that can outwit and out innovate all of its competitors. The central challenge is to innovate a way of collaborating and cohering individuals that maximally deploys their individual perspectives, capabilities, understandings and insights with each-other. Right now, the Trump Insurgency has the edge. It has discovered some key ways to tap into the power of decentralized collective intelligence and this is its principal advantage. While it is definitely not a mature version of a decentralized collective intelligence, it is substantially more so than any collective intelligence with which it is competing and unless and until a more effective decentralized collective intelligence enters the field, this advantage is enough."

- Jordan Greenhall [8]

Individuals can't think non-linearly, only collectives can

"By yourself, you can’t think non-linearly. This isn’t your fault. Individual human beings can’t think non-linearly. Only “collective intelligences,” those agents of “inter-subjective consciousness” can. To put it more simply, we implement and do things as individuals. We innovate as tribes. And the world we live in today — the world of the 21st Century — is a world of continuous innovation. In this environment, for the first time ever in history, the ability to innovate is decisively superior to the ability to deploy power."

- Jordan Greenhall [9]

Meta-theory as humanity’s vocabulary of self-transformation

"[With] self-consciousness comes the possibility of transforming ourselves by adopting new vocabularies, redescribing, and so reconstructing our selves and discursive institutions. While all of us are in some sense consumers of such new vocabularies, it is the special calling of some to produce them. And among those producers some take the construction of unique, potentially transformative vocabularies as the project by commitment to which they understand and define themselves. Among that group, some seek to produce those new vocabularies precisely by trying to understated the phenomena of sapience, normativity, conceptuality, reason, freedom, expression, self-consciousness, self-constitution, and historical transformation by subversive, empowering vocabularies. Those are the philosophers. They are charged neither with simply understanding human nature (human history), nor with simply changing it, but with changing it by understanding it."

—Robert B. Brandom (2009, p. 150) [10]



Dave Snowden has proposed the Cynefin framework for identifying the best match between knowledge styles and reality:

"It has five domains, characterised by the relationship between cause and effect. The first four domains are:

  • Simple, in which the relationship between cause and effect is obvious to all, the approach is to Sense - Categorise - Respond and we can apply best practice.
  • Complicated, in which the relationship between cause and effect requires analysis or some other form of investigation and/or the application of expert knowledge, the approach is to Sense - Analyze - Respond and we can apply good practice.
  • Complex, in which the relationship between cause and effect can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in advance, the approach is to Probe - Sense - Respond and we can sense emergent practice.
  • Chaotic, in which there is no relationship between cause and effect at systems level, the approach is to Act - Sense - Respond and we can discover novel practice.

The fifth domain is Disorder, which is the state of not knowing what type of causality exists, in which state people will revert to the comfort zone in making a decision." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynefin)

See the video: Shawn Callahan on the Cynefin Framework


Framework from George Dyson in Darwin Among The Machines, summarized by Kevin Kelly [11]:

  • One species, many minds: The official future. We interbreed among our genetic improvements and keep our individuality distinct, and our species identity intact.
  • One species, one mind: Through electronic mediation, we join together to create a superorganism. A suprahuman.
  • Many species, many minds: Ultimate diversity. Humans fork in their evolution to create new breeds. Some may even join machines in cyborgian partnerships.
  • Many species, one mind: We fork in biology but unite in the noosphere. Millions of species share the same mind.


Henry Jenkins:

"We can argue that there are a range of different models of collective intelligence shaping the digital realm at the present time. We might distinguish broadly between three different models:

1) An aggregative model which assumes that we can collect data based on the autonomous and anonymous decisions of “the crowd” and use it to gain insights into their collective behavior. This is the model which shapes Digg and to some degree, YouTube.

2) a curatorial model where grassroots intermediaries seek to represent their various constituencies and bring together information that they think is valuable. This is the model which shapes the blogosphere.

3) a deliberative model where many different voices come together, define problems, vet information, and find solutions which would be impossible for any individual to achieve. This is the model shaping Wikipedia or even more powerfully alternate universe games. Of the three, the deliberative model offers the most democratic potentials, especially when it is tempered by ethical and political commitments to diversity. This is the model which Pierre Levy describes in his book, Collective Intelligence. Levy’s account stresses the affirmative value placed on diversity in such a culture. The more diverse the community, the broader range of possible information and insights can inform the deliberative process." (http://henryjenkins.org/2009/11/reflections_on_cultural_politi_1.html)

Related Wiki Sections

Key Resources

  1. The Social Brain Hypothesis, (2016: no longer at www.liv.ac.uk/evolpsyc/Evol_Anthrop_6.pdf ) essay where Robin Dunbar explains the cognitive limitations of his Dunbar Number
  2. The Social Brain Hypothesis and Human Evolution, Robin Dunbar
  3. Book: Collective Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous at Peace. Ed. by Mark Tovey.

Key Articles

  1. Emergence of a Global Brain. Francis Heylighen
  2. Science of Collective Intelligence. Norman L Johnson
  3. Civic Intelligence and the Public Sphere. Douglas Schuler
  4. Co-intelligence, Collective Intelligence, and Conscious Evolution. Tom Atlee
  5. Kingsley Dennis on The Great Acceleration: The Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self.
  6. Moving from Binary to Ternary Thinking. John Michael Greer
  7. Collective Sense-Making as Negotiated Agreement. Harold Jarche
  8. The Evolution of Cognition. William L. Benzon and David G. Hays. [12]

Thomas Malone:

  1. Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence. By Thomas Malone, Robert Laubacher, and Chrysanthos Dellarocas. [13]
  2. What is Collective Intelligence? Thomas Malone

George Por:

See also:

  1. Evolutionary Worldview Rising, Integral Leadership Review, http://www.integralleadershipreview.com/archives-2010/2010-06/2010-06-notes-por.php
  2. Collective Intelligence and Collective Leadership: Twin Paths to Beyond Chaos, University of Amsterdam, http://sprouts.aisnet.org/8-2/
  3. Connecting Our Conversations for Becoming Wiser Together, Kosmos Journal, http://www.community-intelligence.com/?q=node/104
  4. Collective Intelligence as a Field of Multi-disciplinary Study and Practice, Evolutionary Nexus, http://www.evolutionarynexus.org/node/606
  5. Designing for the Emergence of a Global-scale Collective Intelligence, The First Global Brain Workshop, http://www.community-intelligence.com/?q=node/106
  6. Nurturing Systemic Wisdom through Knowledge Ecology, The Systems Thinker, http://www.community-intelligence.com/?q=node/98
  7. Quest for Collective Intelligence, Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business, http://www.visionnest.com/btbc/cb/chapters/quest.htm

Howard Rheingold:

Nova Spivack:

  1. Towards Healthy Virtual Selves for Collective Groups; From the recommended essay: How to Build the Global Mind
  2. Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of the Web.

John Stewart:

  1. The evolution of consciousness, rooted in complexity and cognitive sciences. See Stewart, J. E. (2007) The future evolution of consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 14, No. 8, Pp. 58-92.
  2. Evolutionary Manifesto ; book: Evolution's Arrow

Key Books

  1. George Dyson. Darwin Among The Machines: The Evolution Of Global Intelligence: wonderful history of the network mind
  2. Otto Laske. Manual of Dialectical Thought Forms.
  3. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace. Ed. by Mark Tovey. This book contains key essays from all major figures in the field. Full online version [14]
  4. Handbook of Collective Intelligence By Thomas W. Malone et al.: This Handbook provides a survey of the field of collective intelligence, summarizing what is known, providing references to sources for further information, and suggesting possibilities for future research.

Key Tags

  1. Collective Intelligence
  2. P2P Learning
  3. P2P Epistemology


See Also



`Definition of Intelligence

Intelligence Mechanisms

Real Time Intelligence



` ► Books about human intelligence (1 C, 17 P)


` ► Creativity (20 C, 62 P)



` ► Giftedness (3 C, 57 P)


` ► Intellectual disability (3 C, 31 P)

► Intelligence quotient (2 C, 2 P)

► Intelligence researchers (71 P)

► Intelligence tests (1 C, 38 P)











Outline of human intelligence


` Analytical skill

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence

Augmented learning


` Bias in Mental Testing

Bullying and emotional intelligence


` Cat intelligence

Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory

Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology

Child prodigy

Cognitive elite

Cognitive epidemiology


` Das–Naglieri cognitive assessment system



` Evolution of human intelligence



` Financial Quotient

Fluid and crystallized intelligence

Flynn effect


G-VPR model

General knowledge

Genetic Studies of Genius



` Homo faber

Human intelligence


` Idiot

Inhibition theory


Intelligence (journal)

Intelligence and personality

Intelligence Principle

Intelligence quotient

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Browser Usage

Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns

International Society for Intelligence Research

IQ and the Wealth of Nations


` Learning


` Mainstream Science on Intelligence

Malleability of intelligence

Mental age

Moral intelligence


` Need for cognition


Neuroimaging intelligence testing



` Parieto-frontal integration theory

PASS theory of intelligence



` Risk intelligence


` Self-test of intelligence

Sex differences in intelligence

William James Sidis

Society of Mind




` Three-stratum theory

Triarchic theory of intelligence

Typical intellectual engagement


` U.S. Presidential IQ hoax


` Vernon’s verbal-perceptual model



` 15M Oviedo Grupo de Urbanismo, Barrios y Medio Ambiente del/es


` 27UH/es


` Abundance Logic

Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic

Abundance vs. Scarcity Mentality

Access to Knowledge Movement

Adam Hyde on Open Web Book Sprints


Alberto Cottica on Designing Collective Intelligence

Alexander Wissner-Gross on Planetary Scale Intelligence

Alexandria Decentralized Library

Alg-a Lab/es


Alterglobalization Movement - Epistemological Aspects

Amit Basole on Knowledge Satyagraha and the People’s Knowledge Movement

Amit Basole on the Knowledge Satyagraha People’s Knowledge Movement

Andrew Famiglietti on the the Neutral Point of View's Effect on the Moral Economy of Wikipedia

Andy Clark on Extended Mind



Appreciative Inquiry Commons

Argument Map

Art Commons in a Social Knowledge Economy

Artificial General Intelligence

Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self

Ateneu Candela/es

Athina Karatzogianni on Wikipedia’s Impact on the Global Power-Knowledge Hierarchies

Attention Blindness

Attention Scarcity

Attentional Capital and the Ecology of Online Social Networks

Augmented Social Cognition


Authorship Through Networks


Awareness Design

Axemaker's Gift


` Backcasting

Benjamin Mako Hill on What Eight Collaborative Encyclopedia Projects Reveal About Mechanisms of Collective Action

Blue Brain Project

Border Knowledges

Bronac Ferran, and Andrew Prescott on Contemporary Making as a New Way of Thinking



` Camera Libre

Capability Approach

Carlos Castillo on Finding High Quality Content in Social Media

Case Study on Strategic Tagging

Cass Sunstein on Infotopia, Information and Decision-Making

Center for Pattern Literacy

Chris Anderson on How Web Video Powers Global Innovation

Chris Dede on Neomillenial Learning Styles

Circle Organization

Civic Intelligence and the Public Sphere

Clare Graves on his Levels of Existence Psychology

Clay Shirky on Constructive Criticism for Peer Collaboration

Clay Shirky on the Cognitive Surplus

Climate CoLab

Co-Creative Event Pattern Language

Co-Creative Recipes


Co-Intelligence Institute

Co-intelligence, Collective Intelligence, and Conscious Evolution


Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Diversity

Cognitive Policy

Cognitive Surplus


Collaboration and Collective Intelligence

Collaboration by Difference

Collaboration Theory

Collaborative Evolution Network

Collaborative Intelligence

Collaborative Knowledge Building and Integral Theory

Collaborative Moderation

Collaborative Ontology

Collaborative Rationality

Collective Action

Collective Artificial Intelligence

Collective Awareness Platforms

Collective Consciousness

Collective Insight

Collective Intellectual

Collective Intelligence

Collective Intelligence and Collective Leadership

Collective Intelligence and Neutral Point of View in the Case of Wikipedia

Collective Intelligence is a Commons That Needs a Dedicated Language

Collective Intelligence Net

Collective Intelligence Research Institute

Collective Leadership

Collective Presencing

Collective Sense-Making as Negotiated Agreement

Collective Thinking

Collective Wisdom

Collectively Intelligent Systems

Common Crawl

Common Libraries

Commons State

Commonwealth of Knowledge

Communal Validation

Community Control of Knowledge

Community Intelligence

Community Knowledge Gardening

Community Knowledge Hub for Libraries

Community Managed Libraries



Concept Web


Conceptual Integration Techniques

Connective Knowledge

Connectivist Learning Theory - Siemens

Conscious Evolution

Consensus Web Filters


Convergent vs Divergent Reasoning

Cooperative Intelligence


Cosmos Coop

CQ - Collaborative Intelligence

Creación Libre/es

Creating Invisible Architectures for Collective Wisdom

Critical Analysis of Social Democratic and Critical Theories of the Intellectual Commons

Critical Reflection On The Three Pillars Of Transdisciplinarity

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Compendium

Critical Wikipedia Reader

Critique of Empathy

Crowd IPR


Cultivating Collective Intelligence Leadership

Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning

Culture in Mind

Cybernetic Balance


Cynefin Framework


` D.I.Y. Macroeconomics


Dan Robles on Dissolving Big Data with P2P Knowledge Economies

Daniel Domscheit-Berg on OpenLeaks

Daniel Goleman on Achieving Ecological Intelligence in Practice through Technology

Darwin Among the Machines

Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind

Data Collaborative

Dave Pollard on Personal Knowledge Management

David Brin and Sheldon Brown on Massive Collaborative Problem-Solving

David Garcia on Collective Emotions in the Internet Society

David Gurteen on Incentivizing Sharing in Knowledge Management

David Swedlow on Beyond Folksonomies

David Warlick on Redefining Literacies for the 21st Century

David Weinberger

David Weinberger on Everything Is Miscellaneous

David Weinberger on How the P2P Information Explosion Will Transform Business

David Weinberger on Tagging and Folksonomies

David Weinberger on the Transformation of Knowledge

David Weinberger on What Information Was

Decentralized Community-Controlled Digital Library

Decline of Wikipedia

Deep Search

Deficit Thinking

Deletionism and Inclusionism in Wikipedia

Democratic Curation

Democratic Reason

Design Criteria for a Global Brain

Design for Cognitive Justice

Design Pattern

Dialogical Nature of Human Activity


Digital Curation

Digital Curator

Digital Literacy

Digital Preservation Coalition

Disenclosing the Crises of Imagination and Power

Distributed Advancement of Knowledge

Distributed Cognition

Distributed Cognition Theory - Hutchins

Distributed Genius

Distributed Knowledge

Distributed Problem Solving

Diversity and Empathy as Generators of Creative Wholeness for Participatory Public Policy

Doing Doing/es

Don Tapscott about Complexity and Collaborative Problem Solving

Don Tapscott on Cooperation through Networked Intelligence

Dor Garbash on the Rhizi Annotation System

Douglas Engelbart on Harnessing Collective Intelligence

Dunbar Number

Dunning–Kruger Effect


` Eco-Mind

Effects of Algorithm Awareness

El Campo de Cebada/es

Embedded Knowledge

Embodied Cognition

Embodied Perception

Emergence of a Global Brain

Emergence of Global Consciousness and its Impact on the System of Global Governance

Emergent Dialogue Lab

Emphatic Civilization


Epistemic Experimental Communities

Epistemic Regards and Plurality of Schools on Food as a Commons

Epistemologies of the South


` Epistemology of Otherness

Epistemology of Peer Production

Epistemology of Wikipedia

Ethnography of Wikipedia

Evaluating Spiritual and Utopian Groups

Evolution of Cognition

Evolution of Consciousness According to Jean Gebser

Evolution's Arrow

Evolutionary Manifesto

Evolutionary Psychology




` Fablab Common Description Language


Ferananda Ibarra

Field Typology

Filter Bubble

Flat World Navigation, Collaboration and Networking

Florian Cramer on the German WikiWars and the Limits of Objectivism

Fluid Intelligence

Folksonomy Enrichment


Forms of Consciousness and the Forms of the Commons

Fourth Order Cybernetics

Fourth Singularity

Framework for Augmenting the Collective Intelligence of the Ecosystem of Commons-based Initiatives

François Grey on Distributed Computing and Thinking

Free Revealing

Freedom of the Press Foundation


From Systems Being to Systems Thinking

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps


` Gamer Intelligence

Gebser’s 19 Criteria to Appraise Aperspectival Movements and Tendencies

General Intellect

George Pór

Gifts of Athena

Global Brain

Global Coherence Initiative

Global Consciousness

Global Integral-Spiritual Commons

Global Mind

Good Faith Collaboration as the Culture of Wikipedia


Google and the World Brain

Google as the Digital Gutenberg

Grand Narratives After Post-Modernism

Great Information Transitions in the Past and the Present

Group Genius

Group Pattern Language

Group Works



` Handbook of Collective Intelligence

Hanlon's Razor

Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of the Web



Hidden Transcripts

Hokkaido-8 Symposium on Evolving Science

Holomidal Collective Intelligence



Horizon Scanning

Horizontal Information Seeking

How the Collaborative Economy Is Recreating Collective Meaning

How the Internet Creates Relational/Ecological Forms of Awareness

How to Thrive Online

Howard Rheingold Interviews Robin Good about Online Content Curation

Howard Rheingold on Reclaiming the Attention Commons

Hyper Attention





` Ian MacKenzie and Pravin Pillay on the Epistemology and Spirituality of Occupy Wall Street


In Search of Democratic Academic Publishing Strategies

Incongruity of the Aperspectival View


Information Bundling

Information Cascades

Information Diet

Information Economy Meta Language

Information Foraging

Information Overload

Information Sharing Practices of FabLabs and Hackerspaces in the UK


Innovation Networks

Institutional Resilience in Non Conventional Economic Systems


Integration as scientific method

Integrative Complexity

Intellectual Work

Interaction Models


Interoperability of Knowledge

Introduction to Mind Amplifiers

Introduction to Open Annotation by Hypothesis

Introduction to Open Knowledge and Open Learning

Introduction to the PsyCommons

Invitational Journals Based upon Peer Review


` Jaap van Till on Structures for Collective Learning Organizations and Connected Collaboration

James Surowiecki on the Wisdom of Crowds

Jan Krewer

Jaron Lanier on Digital Maoism

Jason Kottke on Curating the Web

Jean Gebser's Five Structures of Consciousness

Jean-François Noubel on Collective Intelligence

Jean-François Noubel on Collective Intelligence and Invisible Architectures

Jeanette Hofmann on Wikipedia between Emancipation and Self-Regulation

Jeff Howe on the Creative Wisdom of the Crowd

Jeremy Pitt on Transforming Big Data into Collective Awareness

Johan Bollen on Modeling Collective Mood States from Large-Scale Social Media Data

John Wilbanks on Libraries and the Commons

Joseph Reagle on the Collaborative Culture of Wikipedia

Journal of Free Software and Free Knowledge

Joël de Rosnay on Internet Epigenetics

Juho Salminen on Crowdsourcing Sites Focusing on Innovation


` Kern Beare on Technology for Global Consciousness

Kevin Rose on Digging a Smarter Crowd

Knowing Field

Knowing Knowledge

Knowledge Bridges

Knowledge Broker

Knowledge Building Community

Knowledge Democracy

Knowledge Federation

Knowledge Governance

Knowledge Networks

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Society

Knowledge Spillovers

Knowledge Stewardship for Open Development and Open Data

Knowledge Workers

Knowledge, Culture and Science as Commons

Knowmad Society


` La Anécdota/es


Latitudes of Acceptance

Law of Complexity - Consciousness

Lawrence Liang on the Authority of Knowledge in Wikipedia

Lee Bryant on Collective Intelligence inside the Enterprise

Libraries as Commons

Local Knowledge Production

Logic Trees for Inclusive Discourse




` Macroscope


Maja van der Velden on Technology Design and Cognitive Justice

Maker Identity

Manifesto for the Noosphere

Manual of Dialectical Thought Forms

Manuel Lima on the Power of Networks and their Visualization

Many Minds Principle

Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence

Mastering Information Through the Ages

Material Intellect


Mayo Fuster Morell on the Wikimedia Foundation's Role in Wikipedia's Governance

Measuring Hidden Dimensions of Human Systems

Meme Machine





Michel Nielsen and Michael Vassar on the Epistemology for Online Science

Mindful Commons

Monochronic vs Polychronic Time

Moving from Binary to Ternary Thinking

Multi-Lectic Anatomy

Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness


` NakedMind

National Diary Archive Foundation

Native American Knowledge and Epistemology




Network Form in the Futures Studies Field

Networked-Directed Learning

Neuro Commons

Neuro-Economics and Cooperation

NeuroCommons Project


Neuroplasticity of the Collective Brain as a Key Factor for Achieving Social Change

New Constructs

New Republics

Nicholas Carr on The Shallows




Noreena Hertz on the Role of Expertise in the Peer to Peer Era

Notes on Spiritual Leadership and Relational Spirituality


` O Monte é Noso/es

Object-Oriened Ontology

Occupy Language

On the Differences between the Pre-Capitalist Commons and the Post-Capitalist Commons

One Machine

Online Collective Action

Ontology for a Supply Chain Network

Open Annotation Community Group


` Open Annotation Core Data Mode

Open Annotation Specification

Open Assessment

Open Cognition Project

Open Foresight


Open Knowledge Commons

Open Knowledge Stack

Open Media Literacy Manifesto

Open Mind Common Sense

Open Mind Commons

Open Mind Initiative

Open Movement and Libraries

Open Ontology

Open Peer Accreditation

Open Process Search Systems

Open Search

Open Source Artificial Intelligence

Open Source Indicators

Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World

Open Source Mind Mapping Software

Open Source Ontologies

Open Source Ontology Editor

Open Source Pattern Language Re-Generative of Commons

Open Source Semantic Reasoners

Open Source Social Bookmarking

Open Think Lab

Open-Source Software Libraries for Unstructured Data


Organic Intellectuals



P2P Search as an Alternative to Google

Paradiso Foundation


Parallax View

Paraíso LC/es

Participatory Epistemology

Participatory Narrative Inquiry

Participatory Wisdom

Passion of the Western Mind

Pattern Languages

Patterning Instinct

Paul Duguid on the Social Life of Information

Paying Attention

Peer Library

Peer Production of Comprehension

Peer to Peer Review

Peer-Producing Alternative Futures

Personal Story Commons


Perspegrity Solutions

Peter Ayton and Sepideh Bazazi on the Folly of Crowds

Peter Russell on the Global Brain

Pierre Lévy on Collective Intelligence Literacy

Platforms for Global Problem Solving

Political Economy of Attention, Mindfulness and Consumerism

Politics of Design

Post-Fact Epistemology

Post-Normal Science

Power To The Edge

Primacy of the Whole

Primavera de Filippi on Evolving from Competition to Cooperation

Prismatic Organisational Form

Problem-Solving Intelligent Networks

Production of Living Knowledge

Programmable Self

Programming Collective Intelligence

Promises and Perils on the Road to an Omnipotent Global Intelligence

Proposals for Updating the Role of Libraries in the P2P Age

Prospective EcoSocial Ontology


Proxecto Derriba/es


Public Peer Review


Pyramidal Collective Intelligence


` Quality Collectives

Quantum Shift in the Global Brain


` Radical Tactics of the Personal Portable Libraries

Ramón Reichert on Power and Self in Wikipedia

Rapid Decision Making for Complex Issues

Reflections on Information Technology and Contemplative Scholarship

Relatedness and Circularity as the Key World-Ordering Processes of the Native American Worldview

Relational Frame Theory

Religious, Economic and Political Fundamentalisms of the Age of Disruption

Rethinking the Relationship between Science, Indigenous and Local Knowledge

Richard Levins on Developing a Science for the People

Robert Steele

Robin Good on the Ideal Profile of P2P Search Tool


Rosa Zubizaretta on Meaning-Making Social Technologies

Rosetta Languages Preservation Project

Rupert Sheldrake on Recent Empirical Evidence for the Extented Mind Hypothesis

Russell Ackoff on Systems Thinking


` Scarcity-Mind

Scarcity-Mind vs Eco-Mind


Science of Collective Intelligence

Scientific Oeuvre

Search Neutrality

Self Organizing Collective Intelligences

Semantic Model for E-Participation

Semantic Sphere

Semantic Web

Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities


Shawn Callahan on the Cynefin Framework

Simone Cicero on the Open Source Hardware Documentation Jam

SIOC Core Ontology Specification

Six Different Schools of Thought About Knowledge Intermediation

Six Provocations for Big Data

Slow Speech

Smart Swarm

Social Awareness Streams

Social Brainstorming

Social Creativity

Social Learning Theory

Social Physics

Social Problem Solving

Social Theory as a Transformative Force

Socially Distributed Cognition

Sociology of Critique in Wikipedia

Some Skepticism About Search Neutrality

Stages of Human Development

State of Wikipedia

Stephanie Mills on Ecological Limits to Knowledge

Stephen Downes on Connective Knowledge

Stickyness of Information


Strategic Intelligence

Strategic-Instrumental Rationality

Stuart Geiger on Bot Politics and the Negotiation of Code in Wikipedia

Supporting Cognitive Skills for Mutual Regard

Supporting Epistemic Sophistication in Knowledge-Building Communities

Swarm Intelligence

Symbiotic Intelligence Project


Systematic Ideology

Systemic Complexity Thinking

Systems Being

Systems Theory

Systems Thinking


` Tag Gardening

Teaching an Anthill to Fetch

Teaching Writing in the Age of Wikipedia

Technological Constructionism


Teemu Mikkonen on the Kosovo War Internal Conflict on Wikipedia


Text Totalism

Theoretical Framework for Mass Collaboration

Theory and History of Information

Thomas Malone

Thomas Malone on Collective Intelligence

Thomas Malone on the Emergence of Technologies for Collective Intelligence

Thomas Malone on the Success Factors for Collective Intelligence

Tim Ingold on Thinking through Making

Tim O'Reilly on the Birth of the Global Mind

Tom Mallone on Collective Intelligence

Too Big to Know

Toward a Global Immune System

Towards a Creativity Commons

Towards a Critique of the Attention Economy

Towards a Participatory Way of Knowing

Towards an Ontology of Networked Learning

Towards Healthy Virtual Selves for Collective Groups

Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Transmodern Psyche


Tribes of Intelligence

Truth in the Age of Social Media


` U Process


Understanding Knowledge as a Commons


University 2.0

Using Illich for Resilient Community-Oriented Public Libraries


` Verna Allee on Incentivizing Knowledge Sharing

Vidya Ashram

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger on the Loss of Forgetting in a Digital Age

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger on the Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age

Virtual Collective Consciousness

Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age

Visual Understanding Environment


` W3C Open Annotation Community Group




Web Annotation

Web Ontology Language

What is Collective Intelligence

Whole System Conversations

Wholeness Pattern Language

Why Information Grows

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Why We Never Think Alone

Wicked Problem

Wiki Patterns



` Wikipedia - Epistemology

Wikipedia and Encyclopaedism

Wikipedia and the Politics of Mass Collaboration

Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness

Wikipedia Revolution

Wisdom of Crowds

Workshop on Governing Knowledge Commons

World Brain Documentary

World Cafe

World Social Web Dialogue

Worldshift Movement


` Yochai Benker on Collective Intelligence

Yochai Benkler on the End of Universal Rationality

You Are Not a Gadget


` Zapotec Science

Pages in Other Languages


Developmental psychology

Psychological testing





Educational psychology

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