Uncontrolled blending of thoughts of individuals creates high noise at low signal as thoughts have random character and reflect little sense. The Synchronisation of Associative Networks in Unified Internet of Sense concept is proposed instead and prototyped in LikeInMind.
The noosphere can be seen as the "sphere of human thought" being derived from the Greek νους ("nous") meaning "mind" in the style of "atmosphere" and "biosphere".
It is often used in connection with cyberspace and the internet, seen as materializations of it.
For more information see the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noosphere
Noosphere Collective Intelligence Project: Noosphere.org
"What if software got out of our way so ideas could flow freely? What if using the web was like reading each others minds? So we could think a mile in somebody's shoes. What if my work merged with your work to become ours? I think in pictures, you think in words, they think in numbers, but we all think together. Our knowledge flowing, filtering and improving to serve and enlighten us all. Vision
Noosphere.org is a space on the web for people to curate knowledge collaboratively. It's a workbench for gathering our thoughts, alone or together. It is for ontologizing, collecting data, expressing opinions, surveying, collaborative filtering and decision-making. It's an eco-system in which information of all kinds is subjected to the evolutionary pressure of tightly targeted peer-review -- because we're all scientists of something." (http://www.noosphere.org/)
The Noosphere (/ˈnoʊ.ɵsfɪər/; sometimes noösphere), according to the thought of Vladimir Vernadsky[1] and of Teilhard de Chardin, denotes the "sphere of human thought".[2] The word derives from the Greek νοῦς (nous "mind") and σφαῖρα (sphaira "sphere"), in lexical analogy to "atmosphere" and "biosphere".[3] It was introduced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in 1922[4] in his Cosmogenesis.[5] Another possibility is the first use of the term by Édouard Le Roy (1870-1954), who together with Teilhard was listening to lectures of Vladimir Vernadsky at the Sorbonne. In 1936 Vernadsky accepted the idea of the noosphere in a letter to Boris Leonidovich Lichkov (though he states that the concept derives from Le Roy).[6]
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