Definition: Unified Conceptual Space is the single address space for non-conflict representation of individual concepts, opinions and points of view on particular topics.
It is believed that individual experience is unique. Same words or concepts (hashtags, elements of "Hash Space"), may have different meaning for different people (elements of "@ Space") due the difference in their individual experience (see co-emergence of concepts and experience). Human interactions including communication, learning, knowledge transfer are based on Synchronisation of Associative Networks of individuals rather than synchronisation of the individual concepts (based on individual experience). Unification of the concepts in one address space is required for real-time finding particular available concepts in its complete diversity. #@ Space allows non-conflict co-existence of various and even contradictory concepts of different authors in one address space making War of Authors, or war of content, is methodologically not possible.
- "conflicting" (or complementary? :) topic can be duplicated / forked or federated with the Author's name added to the title.
- "conflicting" content that cannot be, or selected not to be separated, from the original page should be:
- highlighted by colours assigned to an author,
- included in {braces with initials like - DVS}
- separated by a horizontal line,
- a combination of those
- advanced arrangement of content is to be developed and described here: AIMS
As the illustration of the features of #@ Space:
- projection of #@ Space on # axis represents the variety of data/ knowledge/ opinions on each particular topic/ hashtag
- projection of #@ Space on @ axis represents the contribution of each participant to the development of the Conceptual Space.
See Also
Why Unified Access to Information is Required
Pages in Other Languages
Russian: необходимость единого смыслового пространства
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