

Page history last edited by Dmitry PNGHS 1 year, 1 month ago


Maturity Levels

1 Unaware

2 Exploratory

3 Defined

4 Adoptive

5 Adaptive

Goals and Objectives

 - non-existent

- metrics unexplored

- considered and reviewed

- metrics explored

- defined

- metrics defined and communicated

- enacted

- metrics continually measured

- continually evolved

- successes and failures identified

- vision/direction continually aligned

- new/current employee direction reaffirmed


- unaddressed

- openness discussed

- leaders / evangelists identified

- change management strategy created

- executive sponsorship explored

- qualities/actions defined and shared

- evangelists engaged

- change management strategy developed

- executive sponsorship secured

- modelled and championed

- roles communicated

- change management strategy implemented

- openness reassessed

- evangelist roles grown and evolved

- expansion continuous

- executive sponsorship continuous


- none in place

- being addressed

- work flows reviewed

- plan defined and communicated

- work flows designed

- plan executed

- work flows integrated

- adapted and evolved

- areas of improvement assessed

- new business functions integrated


-  unaware

- identified

- selected

- commenced

- education/training begun

- upgrades/integrations planned

- results evaluated

- education/training enhanced

- integration continuous

- adoption strategy reviewed


- none in place

- need is recognised

- preliminary oversight team formed

- risks assessed

- oversight team announced

- risk mitigation planned

- policies/guidelines created

- ongoing evaluation

- policy successes and failures addressed

- policies/guidelines evolved



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