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The Wellsprings of Knowledge

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Dorothy A. Leonard

Harvard University



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Wellspring of Knowledge

Dorothy Leonard


“Core” capabilities constitute a competitive advantage for a firm; they have been built up over time and cannot  be easily imitated. Pg 4.

To create and maintain core technological capabilities, managers need at least two abilities: they must (1) know  how to manage the activities that create knowledge and (2) possess an understanding of exactly what  constitutes a core capability – what are its dimensions. There is a continuous interaction between the activities  that managers encourage and the core capabilities of the firm. Pg 4.

Four dimensions of a core capability – physical systems, skills, managerial systems, and values. Pg 5.

As management scholars have pointed out, “espoused theory” tells us little about real behavior; we need to  study “theory in practice” – i.e., view the actions that reflect managerial attitudes and values. Pg 5.

The clarity of the goal enables managers and operators alike to concentrate their attention on those activities  that add obvious value. Activities – not goals or financial rewards or even skills (until they are activated) –  create a firm’s capabilities. Pg 8.

Knowledge building for an organization occurs by combining people’s distinct individualities with a particular  set of activities. It is this combination that enables innovation, and it is this combination that managers  manage. Pg 8.

At Chaparral [steel company used as a case study in “Wellspring of Knowledge”] four primary learning activities create and control the knowledge necessary for its current and future operations. Three of these activities are internally focused:

(1) shared, creative problem solving (to produce current products);

(2) implementing and integrating new methodologies and tools (to enhance internal operations); and

(3) formal and informal experimentation (to build capabilities for the future).

The final activity is externally focused: (4) pulling on expertise from outside. Pg 8.

That’s why we don’t have suggestion boxes, where you hide ideas so someone else won’t steal them. Pg 12. (culture vs. process – the suggestion box is the process)

By the time you hear about a technology in a paper at a conference, it is too late. Pg 13.

It [Chaparral] also invests heavily in an unusual formal apprenticeship program for everyone in the plant…

“Expertise must be in the hands of the people that make the product”. Pg 14.

Chaparral also invests in people through informal practices such as “vicing”. Pg 14.

Core competencies provide a gateway to new opportunities. Continuous innovation is an act of “creative destruction”. Even “seemingly minor” innovations that alter the architecture of a product can undermine the usefulness of deeply embedded knowledge. Pg 17.

The test of a useful description of a core capability is the extent to which it can be meaningfully  operationalized.

That is why this book emphasizes the design of activities that create and channel knowledge rather than the  process of agreeing upon a phrase or statement that captures a company’s technological identity. Pg 18.

Supplemental capabilities, as the name implies, are nice to have – but unessential. Enabling technological capabilities are those that are important to a company as a minimum basis for competition in the industry but  that, by themselves, convey no particular competitive advantage. Core technological capabilities, by contrast,  are those that set the company apart from the rest of the pack and at least potentially provide a competitive  edge. Pg 18.

Core capabilities compromise at least four interdependent dimensions, two of which may be thought of as  dynamic knowledge reservoirs, or competencies, and two of which are knowledge-control or channeling  mechanisms.

1. Employee knowledge and skill: this dimension is the most obvious one.

2. Physical technical systems: But technological competence accumulates not only in the heads of people; it

also accumulates in the physical systems that they build over time – databases, machinery, and

software programs.

3. Managerial systems: the accumulation of employee knowledge is guided and monitored by the

company’s systems of education, rewards, and incentives. These managerial systems –

particularly incentive structures – create the channels through which knowledge is accessed and

flows; they also set up barrier undesired knowledge-creation activities.

4. Values and norms: these determine what kind of knowledge are sought and nurtured, what kinds of

knowledge-building activities are tolerated and encouraged. There are systems of caste and status,

rituals of behavior, and passionate beliefs associated with various kinds of technological

knowledge that are as rigid and complex as those associated with religion. Therefore, values serve

as knowledge-screening and –control mechanisms.

Pg. 18 and 19.

There are at least three kinds of skills and knowledge constituting this dimension of a core capability: (1) scientific

(public), (2) industry-specific, and (3) firm specific. Moving from 1 to 3, these types of skills and knowledge are

increasingly less codified and transferable. Pg 21.

The tacit knowledge of various experts that accumulates in firms, structured and codified over time, becomes

embedded in software, hardware, and accepted procedures. Pg 22.

Moreover, like a coral bed in the ocean, physical systems preserve the knowledge of individuals who have moved

on the other functions, other jobs, other organizations. Pg 22.

Skills and knowledge, both embodied in people and embedded in physical systems as well as managerial systems all

exhibit a particular character depending on what is valued in the company. In most companies, the basic

assumptions about human nature and the personal values of the founders led to the growth of a set of corporate

values. Pg 24.

When Chairman and CEO James Burke feared that the Credo was becoming mere formula, he and J&J President

David Clare traveled to all 150 J&J companies to “challenge” the Credo. Pg 25.


When the system itself matures into mindless routine, managers find themselves fighting the very underpinnings of

the firm’s success. Pg 30.

A former senior executive at Sears recalled that inattention to outside events was compounded by the existence of a

whole library of “bulletins” dictating responses to problems. “God forbind there should be a problem that comes up

for which there isn’t a bulletin,” he observed. “That means the problem’s new!”. Pg 31.

Once a system is set up to deliver a certain capability, that system acquires a momentum of its own and becomes

difficult to dismantle. Pg 34.

One of the simplest explanations for a rigid adherence to prior approaches for solving problems is that alternatives

don’t occur to employees. People have a natural selection bias toward the familiar in designing new products. Pg


[a competency trap] can occur when favorable performance with an inferior procedure leads an organization to

accumulate more experience with it, thus keeping experience with a superior procedure inadequate to make it

rewarding to use. Pg 39.

A primary result [of core rigidities] is the inability of companies to integrate knowledge across specialties. Pg 49.

As explained in Chapter 1, there are really two kinds of values – generic (or big V) and knowledge –base-specific (or

little v). pg 51.

One of the difficulties of changing corporate norms and routines is that employees confuse the two different levels

of values and are uncertain as to whether they are being asked to alter a big V or whether the change involves only

the way in which existing values are being operationalized. That is, are basic values regarding the mission of the

company being altered – or only the way the activities in support of that mission are being carried out? Pg 52.


This chapter examines three sources of individual differences in problem solving – specialization, preferred

cognitive style, and preferences in tools and methodologies. Pg 61 Even slight prior experience with an object negatively affected people’s ability to think creatively about its use. Pg

61 These blocks [people process information in blocks not as a steady stream] constitute mental models, or schema [see

Simulating Science by Gorman], against which we calibrate information and that we use to solve problems. Pg 62 Mind-sets, therefore, are highly useful in routine activities. In fact, if the technique toward which prior experience

biases us provides the best solution to a particular problem, applying that solution is both efficient and effective. In

an organization, when such techniques are reinforced over time by success, the patterns of thought fall into well

worn grooves and become part of business capability. The problem is that, as we have already seen, the limited

range of problem solving responses developed can become dysfunctional and contribute to core rigidities. Pg 62 A signature skill is an ability by which a person prefers to identify himself or herself professionally. Signature

evokes the idiosyncratic nature of the skill – a personally defining characteristic, as much a part of someone’s

identity as the way the individual signs his or her name. pg 62 A signature skill is an outgrowth, an interactive expression, of three interdependent preferences – preferred type of

task, preferred cognitive approach to problems (sometimes considered cognitive style), and preferred technology for

performing the task. Pg 62.

Creative Abrasion (three types) pg 63. Director of Nissan Design International coined the term creative

abrasion to emphasize that energy generated by the conflict can be channeled into creating rather

than destroying, into synthesis rather than fragmentation. (pg 63). Some managers of innovative

organizations select people because their ideas, biases, personalities, values, and skills conflict –

not in spite of the differences. [this is inline with Gorman’s invisible colleges]. (pg 63).

Innovation occurs at the boundaries between mindsets, not within the provincial territory of one

knowledge or skills base. Pg 64.

1. Specialization: Specialization leads to expertise, of course, and therefore the availability of deep

knowledge to apply to problems. However, the resulting distince “thought worlds” rarely

intersect, unless purposely driven to do so [cross functional teams]. (pg 65)

As these examples illustrate, specialization provides the deep reservoirs of knowledge

necessary to solve extremely complex problems in new-product and new process

development, as long as the specialties can communicate with each other. Pg 69-70.

2. Cognitive Style Preferences: pg 70.

3. Preferences in Tools and Methodologies:

Perhaps the greater danger in trying to develop T-shaped skills in most companies,

however, is that the press of urgent daily tasks will lead managers to pull the nearest

available competent individual into a project, with little to the implications of that

assignment for developing T-shaped skills [goes with my thoughts and writings on

finding the right, best person for each job]. pg 77.

Groups that gloss over differences, applying patina of accord and seeking superficial peace, are not likely to be

creative. Yet, disagreements have to e impersonalized or emotions will also interfere with creativity and leave

bitterness in their wake. Pg 78.

Within some innovation cultures, prototypes effectively become the media franca of the organization – the essential

medium of information, interaction, integration and collaboration. When prototypes are used for only testing

technical concepts and not as communication vehicles for problem solving across boundaries, developers are

overlooking enormous opportunities for creative abrasion and integration [in line with using requirements as

collaborative and communication tools]. Moreover, because prototypes are physical or visual objects, they can

communicate with people who have no special training by whose untutored eye may predict general public response

much better than the judgment of the “experts”. Pg 84.

A Clear Destination: A manager’s most powerful ally in focusing creative energies is a very clear project

destination [in line with the view on the importance of requirements]. Pg 86.

Every new-product development project potentially has two, interdependent, destinations: the

product itself and an improved new-product development process – product concept and project

guiding vision. Pg 86.

1. Product Concept: a formally agreed upon product concept “defines the character of the product

from a customer’s perspective”. [in line with ‘use case scenarios’ from Rqts Eng]. Pg 86.

Democracy without clear concept leadership is the archenemy of distinctive products. Pg


2. Project Guiding Vision: This vision defines the output of the team in terms of both the product

and what the project is adding to the knowledge base of the firm. In other words, a project

guiding vision plaes the particular effort in relation to clear business purpose (e.g.,

launching a certain product line – and to the critical capabilities the corporation is

building. Thus, project team members know that immediate business purpose they serve

and the streams of knowledge to which they are supposed to contribute. Pg 87.


The single biggest underlying cause for the demise of this [or any other potential implementation] initially

promising innovation was the quite understandable but simplistic assumption that physical installation was the sole

project objective and criterion for success…implementation is not usually managed as if it were an exercise in

innovation, and that is the key point in this chapter. Pg 92.

User Involvement: Two generic reasons are typically cited for involving users in the development of a new

technical system: pg 93-94.

1. implementation implies some level of change in the users’ work, and research on change

suggests that people are more receptive when they have contributed to its design

(Creating “Buy-In” pg 94).

2. involving users in the design of their tools results in superior designs since users have

specialized knowledge about the environment in which the tools will be utilized, and that

knowledge should be embodied in the design (Embodying Knowledge pg 94).

Embodying Knowledge: Developers rarely possess all that knowledge themselves but must interact with

users to create or capture and structure and then embody the requisite knowledge. Pg 94.

1. User selection: Is it more important that users be expert in the task to be aided, so they can

provide critical comments on the functionality of the tool – OR – that they typify the user

population in their ability to manipulate the user interface ??? As the following examples

[found in text not in notes] suggest, the two different kinds of knowledge do not always

come in the same human package. Pg 95.

2. Representativeness: if the new technological systems will be distributed to multiple offices or

factories throughout the corporation, then the choice of the user site to help develop and

test prototypes becomes crucial…[there are] significant hazards associated with the

unwitting selection of an atypical user [or user site] to guide design. Pg 96.

3. User Willingness: Willing users may not be representative, of course, and representative users

may not be willing. Doll and Torkzadeh found that users who were involved more than

they desired in the development of a system were less satisfied with the end result than

were users involved less than or just about as much as desired. Pg 96.

Models of User Involvement: (four types) pg 97 1. Delivery Mode, or “Over-the-Wall”: pg 98-99.

2. Consultancy Mode: periodic consulting with users about features and functions provide the

opportunity for feedback and user input. The most successful “consultancy” projects

were very large, highly structured endeavors in which user groups were treated like

customers with diverse needs and a right to influence, but not totally direct, development.

Pg 100.

3. Codevelopment: Users are part of the development team.

There is a tendency for users to be fixated on what they’re using today instead of thinking

about features they’ll need in three years. Users can lead the development team into

automating history. Pg 100.

On the other hand, hen users are innovative and can envision where their organization

should be headed, codevelopment projects may succeed beyond the expectations of either

the users or the developers. Pg 101.

4. Apprenticeship Mode: Users wanting their own capabilities and independence from developers

employed this apprenticeship mode. Developers had to be willing to play the role of

tutors rather than providers and users had to be willing to invest enough time and

resources both to become expert in the underlying technology and to implement all the

needed changes when they returned to their home territory.

Codevelopement, in short, had much more effect on the organization’s learning process then the other modes. Pg


Mutual adaptation is the reinvention of the technology to conform to the work environment and the simultaneous

adaptation of the organization to use the new technical system. Pg 104.

A significant challenge managers face is detecting when a large spiral is masquerading as a small one; that is, when

a series of small adaptive spirals is inadequate to create or support an important technological capability and a large

spiral of change is required – in either the technical system, the work environment, or both. In such cases the

manager is thrust into the role of revolutionary organizational redesigner. Pg 105.

To combat experimentation burnout, managers need to slow the outflow and replenish the bank. They can: (1) pace

the changes insofar as possible and (2) celebrate small successes and milestones along the way. Pg 109.

User involvement must be carefully managed, as extracting knowledge from atypical, disinterested, or very nearterm-oriented users can damage rather than enhance the design of a new process tool. Pg 110.


Detailed strategic plans can be outdated by the time they are approved, rendering them useless as guidance and

perhaps even dangerous. Pg 112.

Recognizing that clever, technologically talented employees could create whole new businesses for the corporations,

starting with an experimental project to develop a particular product or process, such leaders tried to foster an

atmosphere in which a thousand flowers could bloom – at least initially. [loose requirements] Pg 116.

An idea become reality when espoused by someone unafraid to turn heretic against predominate technology or

company culture [in line with my writing on personality vs. process leadership]. Pg 117.

The ultimate objective of [managerial actions that make the difference in how much people are willing to

experiment] is to be able to weave a certain amount of experimentation into the fabric of the organization as a whole

rather than isolate it into a research function. The more uncertain the future, the more essential becomes an

environment in which everyone in the company is primed for experimentation and learning and in which prototyping

is not a specialized, technical activity related to the engineers but a way of thinking. [To create such a climate]: (1)

separate intelligent failure from unnecessary failure, in both language and managerial response, and (2) to recognize

the role of failure in building knowledge. Pg 118.

Organizations are adept at ignoring negative news…identified four sources of “learning disabilities’: (1) impression

management through overly optimistic presentations, (2) setbacks not detected as errors that could provide learning,

(3) proliferation of interdependent activities that distract from a real evaluation of the core idea; and (4) transitory

project membership, leading to organizational forgetting. Pg 118.

In most organizations, because previous projects were “unsuccessful,” they became invisible, and managers delude

both themselves and others about the debt owed to failures. Pg 120-121.

With hindsight, it could have be argued that some of this experimental thrashing around should have been avoidable,

in practice, some kinds of learning are heavily experimental. Pg 121.

The purpose of the pilot [implementation] experiments was narrowly [and wrongly] interpreted as providing

feedback about the software features [in this example] to its designers – not providing feedback to the corporation

about the interaction between the software and the way it was implemented. Pg 123.

Many people, however, seem unable to tolerate incompleteness, to fill in missing details, to see the potential in the

prototype – and they are the bane of designer’s lives. They will take every presentation of line, shape, and color as

absolute and final. Consequently, designers soon learn that some clients cannot be shown preliminary ideas at all.

Pg 124.

Managers who believe that they could not spare the resources to prototype actually spent much more time and

money cleaning up the mess incurred by the haste, the confusion, and the anger. Pg 129.

If the action-outcome-feedback links are short and frequent, the individual is in a good position to learn about, and

thus comprehend, the probable effects of actions on outcomes: short links enhance the ability to improve decision

making by taking corrective actions. The opposite is true. Pg 131.

One mechanism designed to derive learning from projects is a postproject audit [hotwash, after action report, etc.]

i.e., team-conducted reviews at the end of developmental projects for the explicit purpose of identifying what could

be done better next time. Managers in many companies say that such audits are conducted. However, there are

three crucial questions that ascertain the actual usefulness of such audits:

(1) Who conducted them? If a few of the team members have moved on to other development assignments

and therefore not all team members are present, the audit is incomplete.

(2) How inclusive of all projects are the audits? Have all the projects (including ones that did not result in

marketable projects) been audited? Although auditing even a single project is extremely useful, patterns of

chronic problems show up across projects, for different types of projects. Multiple project audits are a

valuable tool for uncovering core rigidities.

(3) What happened to the information gathered? Most managers can answer this question confidently:

someone wrote up a report. If one inquires, What happened to this report? Or What changed on the next

project? The response is usually a sheepish admission that the report is securely buried in a filing cabinet




The ability of a firm to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial

ends is critical to its innovation capabilities. Pg 136.

Knowledge benefits flow along such [meaning connecting two or more organizations] unequally, depending not only

on the sagacity of the technology source, but even more important, on the absorptive capacity of the recipient. Pg


As we will see in this chapter, firms differ considerably on their ability to develop outside wellsprings of knowledge

– i.e., to identify, access, and assimilate knowledge from external sources. Pg 136.

Gomes-Casseres notes three types of alliances – learning, supply, and positioning. The later of the two are

essentially “arm’s-length” agreements. Supply alliances are formed to minimize the transaction costs of trde and

product exchanges. Positioning alliances are part of a marketing strategy, helping firms create or overcome market

entry barriers. Both supply and positioning alliances may allow knowledge spillover but they are not motivated by

an effort to integrate capabilities. Learning alliances, however, intend from the beginning to augment internal

knowledge. Pg 136.

Create Porous Boundaries: Managers need to expose their companies to a bombardment of ne ideas from

outside in order to challenge core rigidities, encourage inventive serendipity, and check

technological trajectories for vector and speed versus competitors. (five methods). Pg 155.

1. Scan Broadly: Although physical proximity does not ensure knowledge flow it certainly

increases in probability. Pg 156-7.

2. Provide for Continuous Interaction: Allen found that found that low performers…spent most of

their of their outside exploration time in two lumps – at the beginning and just after the

midway point. In contrast, high performers kept up a consistent, continuous relationship

with information sources of all types during the project. Such constant attention is

difficult because it takes time…[but] is essential because competition or information

sources may have made progress since last contact. Pg 157.

3. Nurture Technological Gatekeepers: Gatekeepers are outstanding technological performers who

keep their colleagues apprised of the latest happenings in their field. Pg 157.

4. Nurture Boundary Spanners: Boundary Spanners are people who understand the world of the

source and the world of the receiver and translate as well as disseminate knowledge.

Researchers studying interfirm alliances have remarked that a weak liaison (young,

inexperienced, or an outsider) is likely to doom the alliance. Pg 158.

Continuity among personnel is another factor greatly affecting the success of knowledge

absorption; as noted above, a large portion of knowledge (and often the most valuable

part) may be tacit – i.e., still in people’s head. Pg 158.

5. Fight Not-Invented-Here. Pg 159.

R&D, done without a specific objective, can waste resources by working on issues without reason. However, one

must be ready to revise objectives as the situation changes. Research may show that the original objectives are not

possible or that the tasks are easier than anticipated and the goals can be set higher. Pg 162.

MCC suffered from a problem typical of many types of alliances: the high-level managers who set up the original

partnership were not responsible for making it actually work. Pg 162.

One of the greatest paradoxes in accessing external technology is that the more desirable it is from a competitive

viewpoint, the less likely inherently transferable it is, and vice versa. Pg 165.

Managers have to make a tradeoff between desirability and transferability. Pg 165.

Merely transferring rule books might not capture the essence of managerial systems at all since [some]

practices…are informal. Pg 165.

The tacit knowledge of people even quite far down the organizational ladder, and not explicitly recognized as

experts, may be an essential part of the technological capability being captured. Pg 165.

Enacted values – the values and norms used to guide decisions and behavior – are more desirable than sterile lists of

guidelines and decorative mottoes, which may be espoused (i.e., embraced in theory) but not followed. Pg 165, 167.

Consultants with no stake in the outcome of the decision can help since they may understand the technology very

well. But unless they have had a long-term relationship with the firm, they are unlikely to understand whether and

how a new technological import could be incorporated and absorbed. Pg 167.

Because knowledge if difficult to assess, we tend to equate role or title with know-how. That is, rather than consider

the skills and knowledge needed, we tend to evaluate capability by checking off, say, the number of engineers. Pg



A study of 252 product development projects in 123 firms discovered that preliminary market assessments were

conducted in successful product development projects; however, formal market studies, done in only a quarter of the

projects , were usually rated as “poorly handled”. Moreover, the studies tended to be reactive competitive

comparisons in over a fourth of those projects. There were almost no concept tests – i.e., studies of customer

reactions to proposed new product in concept form. Less than a fifth of the project teams studied what the

customers actually wanted or needed, to generate product specifications. Finally, at least as much detailed market

research was done for the failed projects as for the successful ones. It would appear that merely increasing emphasis

on market research in itself does not lead to better understanding of user needs and a higher probability of product

success. Pg 179.

Most companies are faced with a variety of new-product definition situations – each requiring a different range of

information to be imported from the market. Figure 7-2 [below] suggests that two basic factors shape these

situations – the maturity of the technological design underlying the product line and the customer base. Variance

along these two dimensions determines the level and types of uncertainty that new product developers face and

consequently the types of information needed. Pg 180.

Technology-based companies will always have to move to the right on this horizontal axis, seeking new customers

and perhaps even new markets. Pg 183.

In his book, Mobilizing Invisible Markets, Hiroyuki Itami notes that there are three different kinds of customers, ech

contributing differently to a firm: 1) customers who generate profit, 2) customers who will generate sales growth,

and 3) customers who allow the accumulation of invisible assets. Itami suggests that every company would wish to

have a balanced mix of customers, so that the revenue generating ones may tide the company over financially while

the other less profitable markets generate important knowledge for the future. Pg 183.

Market Research Techniques: (3 types)

I. Inquiry (pg 190)

I.A. Survey Groups: Despite the tremendous sophistication of such interviewing techniques, they can only

uncover those needs and desires about which the informants are aware and can articulate. The

relative ability of the users to guide product specification is greater when a product category

already exists. Pg 191.

I.B. Lead Users: Lead Users have two characteristics: 1) they face needs that will be general in the

marketplace but they face them months or years before the bulk of that marketplace encounters

them; and 2) they are positioned to benefit significantly by obtaining a solution to those needs. Pg


Dialogue with lead users operates within one of the boundaries characteristic of the other

techniques mentioned so far. At least the first generation of the product must already exist in the

market – i.e., reference product must exist. Lead users must be users of the existing technology in

a practical form with the current products in the market. They make their suggestions for

improvements based on their experience with the current products on the market. Moreover, the

needs of these lead users cannot be totally idiosyncratic but must be somewhat representative of

future buyers. Pg 192.

I.C. Latent Needs Analysis: Some techniques are designed to probe users’ desires less directly and thereby

uncover latent and less readily articulated needs: K-J analysis, Value Matrix, Zaltman Metaphor

Elicitation Technique. Pg 192-193.

II. Empathetic Design: Often decried as a “technology push” when they result in unacceptable products

(and as “lucky” when they succeed), these situations offer the greatest opportunity to exploit

existing technological knowledge in novel ways. Products developed with new technologies for

old markets and familiar customers (developer-driven_, the application of moderately mature

technologies to new or evolving customer sets (user-context development), and old technologies

renewed through their embodiment in different products (new applications) – see figure 7-3 Empathetic design can be deployed to augment the development of product enhancements, but the

major opportunities lie in those situations in which a technology can be shaped to meet

unarticulated but observable needs. Pg 193.

Empathetic design is the creation of product or service concepts based on a deep (empathetic)

understanding of unarticulated needs. Pg 194.

There are three important characteristics that set empathetic design apart from other forms of of

market “research”: pg 194.

1. the product concept is based on actual observed customer behavior. Pg 194 2. empathetic design is usually conducted through direct interaction between those who

have deep understanding of the firm’s technological capabilities (product

developers such as engineers and designers) and the product users. Pg 195.

3. empathetic design tends to draw on existing technological capabilities that can be

somewhat redirected or imaginatively deployed in the service of new products

or markets. Pg 195.

II.A. Developer’s Market Intuition: pg 195 II.A.1. User-Developers: pg 195 II.A.2. Industry Experts: pg 197 II.B. Market Matching: companies leverage their core technological capabilities by identifying applications

for which users have a need but for which they would be incapable of imagining a solution

because they do not know the technological potential. [this is important for the ‘user organization’

to remember so that they advertise their needs to get input from industry experts who do know

‘technological potential’. See User-Developers]. pg 198.

II.B.1. Technology Transfer: get knowledge from public domain, sharing knowledge across in

departments within your organization, applying knowledge from one industry to another. Pg 198.

II.B.2. Partnering with Customers: pg 199.

II.C. Anthropological Expeditions: developers immerse themselves in the user environment. Pg 200.

II.C.1. Observing Users’ Practices: pg 200.

II.C.2. Capturing Practice on Film (or Video): pg 202 II.C.3. Role-Playing the Future: pg 203.

Common to all the modes of empathetic design described above is an attempt to maintain an open mind

about how unarticulated user needs can be met. Pg 203.

Once a concept has been identified [using empathetic design], potential customer feedback is important.

That is, once empathetic design techniques have been identified possibilities that the users themselves

would not have requested, more traditional techniques are employed to refine and test the concept. Pg 203.

III. Creating a New Market: pg 204.

III.A. Extrapolation of Trends: pg 204 III.B. Scenarios of the Future: The intent of such scenarios is less to predict the future state exactly

than to stimulate consideration of nonobvious futures, to force “out-of-the-box” thinking

– to divorce thought from a straight, unwavering trend line. pg 205.

III.C. Market Experimentation: For short-lead-time items that can be quickly manufactured, many

companies simply do not invest in crystal balls. [Instead, they test a fully functional

product in the market place on a small scale.] Pg 205.

Recently, however, some companies have begun to perceive such limited testing as

dangerous: competitors are afforded time to imitate and market feedback may be

distorted. Pg 206.

III.C.1. Darwinian Selection: experiment with multiple models in the market place

simultaneously. Pg 207.

III.C.2. Product Morphing: incrementally morph through model updates. Pg 207.

III.C.3. Vicarious Experimentation: wait and let the pioneers get the arrows in their backs

and learn from their mistakes. Pg 207.


This chapter addresses the question, How is the capability to develop new technology-based products transferred to

a new site? Pg 216.

Success in transferring technological capabilities depends on, at a minimum, agreements between source and

recipient about the level of development transfer to be achieved and also on both sides’ understanding of that goal’s

managerial implications – i.e., the effort and resources necessary. Pg 223.

The more that managers understand the classes of problems that occur and develop the ability to anticipate issues

through prearrangement diagnosis, the greater the likelihood of success. Pg 223.

Transferring technological capabilities requires an extremely important managerial skill not always associated with

technically skilled people – the ability to coach. Good coaching requires an appreciation for how knowledge is

conveyed: that knowledge is often tacit – held in the head – and cannot be transferred though blueprints or

documentation; that lectures are not effective communication devices, that a lack of understanding apparently due to

inadequate skills may in fact be caused by language difficulties, and vice versa. Pg 251.

Instructions and students alike can concentrate on operations as they function under home-country conditions at the

technology source. However, conducting pilot operations in the developing country also offers the great advantage

of organizational prototyping. For the purposes of creating local knowledge, local pilots are often preferable. Pg



And it is true that capabilities change more slowly than projects or management programs or product lines. Yet

even capabilities must shift channels from time to time in response to other conditions. Research following the

history of industries over generations has shown that there are always sharp discontinuities, often occasioned by new

technologies and often competence destroying. Many firms founder, and few survive. Pg 269.

In the process of renewal, human minds are the most flexible assets a company has – and the most rigid. People are

capable of making astonishing leaps in intuition and, at the same time, of tenaciously clinging to the details of pety,

unproductive routines. That is why this book as devoted so much attention to behavior, even though the focus is on

technological information pas se and more upon all the activities and systems that create technical knowledge – and

allow it to be creatively destroyed so as to adapt anew. Pg 260.

Developing core capabilities is more like growing a garden than like building a brick wall. Pg 264.

Managers who successfully develop core capabilities look for organizational metaroutines that will lead the

company into the future. So, for instance, when they sign a travel voucher for an employee to visit a customer site,

they think about the use of the knowledge thus engendered. How will it be leveraged beyond the use by one

individual? What mechanisms exist to share that information? ... For every activity the manage asks, What is the

potential knowledge-building import of this action? Pg 264-265.

Project audits can either be sterile and futile exercises or rich seminars on progress, depending on the manager’s

attitude. Pg 265.

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