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New Zealand Earthquakes

Page history last edited by Dmitry Sokolov 3 years, 6 months ago


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Understanding and monitoring seismic activity.

Every year, thousands of earthquakes occur in New Zealand that are too small to be felt. However, in the 15 years between 1992 and 2007, New Zealand experienced over 30 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or more.

GNS Science is monitoring our earthquakes, large and small, and our active fault lines in order to understand past events, and prepare for the future.

Research & Consultancy Expertise

Road damage near Dee stream with failure of embankment fill. Inangahua earthquake, May 1968.

Road damage near Dee stream with failure of embankment fill. Inangahua earthquake, May 1968.

Understanding Earthquakes


  • Permanent earthquake monitoring networks
  • Seismographs to measure the magnitude, location and characteristics of earthquakes
  • Strong motion sensors for buildings and bridges to monitor how structures perform in earthquakes
  • GPS equipment to pinpoint where strain is building up or being released in the Earth’s crust.

Hazard Modelling

Risk Modelling

Community resilience

  • Develop design requirements and engineering solutions to protect buildings and infrastructure, and improve survival rates.

Main rift from Edgecumbe earthquake, 1987.

Go to our Learning zone to learn more about Earthquakes



See Also






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