Orchestrating Conversations are an important subset of influencers.
Project owners share information about projects, and expand opportunities for collaborations.
Passionate Project Owner must belong to the location the project is being realised.
In other cases if the project is not supported by local people that will create tensions.
All about Intents Matching
Project moved by intents and passions of the people not belonging to the site of a project is called intervention.
Assumptions like "If it works in a village in Malawi it will work in villages anywhere." may be misleading if Intents Mapping and Intents Matching not performed.
Dmitry Sokolov M Ichael, we already know about project quite a bit:
- passionate owner must live "on the ground"
- the project must be driven by situation and intents on the ground
* otherwise that will be intervention of intents of the passionate owner of the project "on the cloud".
What is missing?
How Bhandari's case falls into this model? 28m
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