
Argument Diagramming Tools

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Argument diagramming tools
There are hundreds of diagramming tools currently available. Tools vary primarily by the type of information they try to represent, and the tradeoff they make between expressiveness and usability (in Buckingham-Shum's words). Most of the tools below can, or are designed to, be used for argumentation or evidence-based reasoning. Toulmin-based argument diagramming tools are less expressive, (because they only represent arguments), but possibly more usable (because boxes and arrows are always interpreted in a specific way). Concept maps are more expressive (because they can represent anything, including arguments) but less usable (because the meaning of boxes and arrows are not consistent and have to be explicitly labeled). Other tools like ClaiMaker and Compendium are somewhere in-between--essentially concept maps but with limits on the types of meanings boxes and arrows can have.

Tool Description Representation Audience
Athena Argument mapper from Blekinge Institue of Technology and CERTEC, Sweden. Simplified Toulmin Education
ArgMAP Argument mapper Simplified Toulmin Research
ArguMed Argument mapper based on DEFLog DEFLog (Toulmin extension) Research
Argutect Argument mapping-like "thought-processor" from Knosis, Pittburgh. Thought tree (tree of questions and answers, can be used as simplified Toulmin) Productivity, Education
Araucaria Argument mapper from Univeristy of Dundee, UK. simplified Toulmin Education
Belvedere Collaborative concept mapper and evidence matrix originally developed by D. Suthers at LRDC, Pittsburgh, now at LILT, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Inquiry / Evidence Maps and Matrices (links between claims and supporting data) Education
Causality Lab Allows students to solve social science problems by building hypotheses, collecting data and making causal inferences. Causal diagram and data charts Education
Carneades (.pdf) Toulmin based mathematical model for legal argumentation Toulmin Law
Concept mapping of knowledge claims from S. Buckingham Shum's Scholarly Ontologies Project, KMI, Open University, UK. Concept map with semiformal ontology for argumentation Research
Compendium IBIS mapping tool orginially developed by Verizon Reserach Labs and associated with CogNexus Institue and KMI, Open University. Dialogue map (concept map with ontology: nodes can represent issues, ideas, pro, con, and notes) Ill-structured problems
Convince Me Creates diagramatic representations of hypothesis and evidence Evidence map Education
Debatabase "Debatabase is the world's most useful resource for student debaters. Inside you will find arguments for and against hundreds of debating Topics, written by expert debaters, judges and coaches." Communal, simplified Toulmin Education
DebateMapper "currently offline" Toulmin (and more)  
Debatepedia "Debatepedia is the new free wiki encyclopedia of arguments and debates" Communal, simplified Toulmin Civic
Explanation Constructor B. Sandoval's explanation template that encourages students to support their claims with evidence. Part of the BGuILE project at letus center, Chicago. Evidence map template (causal explanation prompts with links to data) Education
Genie Software toolkit for creating decision theoretic models from University of Pittsburgh. Bayesian networks Research
Media Matrix Allows students to collect audio and video references off the internet and annotate them for later use in writing Communal media annotation Education
Oyez Datbase of supreme course transcripts linked to audio. media annotation Law
Philoctopus Argument mapper Simplified Toulmin Research
QuestMap J. Conklin's IBIS predecessor to Compendium, from CogNexus, Napa, CA. Dialogue map (concept map with ontology: nodes can represent issues, ideas, pro, con, and notes) Ill-structured problems
Reason!Able (Research) van Gelder and Bulka's popular argument mapping software from University of Melbourne. Simplified Toulmin Education
Rationale The 2006 heir to Reason!Able argument mapping tool. Simplified Toulmin Commercial, Education
Structured Evidential Argumentation System Project of John Lowrance at SRI to help organize and conduct collaborative argumentation by "intelligence monitors" by looking for evidence on the web, or in news reports, to fill in argument structure. Communal explanation template linked to evidence supplied and gathered users. Intelligence, productivity
Sensemaker P. Bell's nested concept mapper for classroom debate. Part of the KIE project, University of Berkeley (see also WISE for the Java port). Concept map Education
Stella Commercial systems (stock and flow) diagramming tool. Stock and flow (causal) Commercial, Education
Theseus Heir to Argutect Thought tree (tree of questions and answers, can be used as simplified Toulmin) Education
Truth Mapper A collaborative argument mapping site Simplified Toulmin Social
Wigmore diagram (.pdf) A diagram language used for legal reasoning (described here the Araucaria folk and their translaion to Toulmin diagrams). Wigmore Law
SAIL / Pas
The latest incarnation of the original Sensemaker project with nested concept mapper for classroom debate. Concept map Education







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