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The prize goes to an innovative use of social media. If we succeed I figure we have a pretty good chance.
The spine of knowledge creation are the platforms optimized for conversations. Notably facebook, twitter and g+. They are the site of turbulence. As strings form the process continues. When the string becomes a triad, a nemtube starts to form. When the nemitube is brought to a quiet place [this wiki ) a generative nCell starts to form. The generative nCell creates a positive feedback look as it exchanges nemes, The higher the frequency of neme exchange -> the more generative is the nCell -> the higher the frequency of Neme exchange -> the more generative is the nCell.
If and only if conversations persist, Trust emerges.
When persistent exchange continues over many threads or platforms a multi dimensional picture of a person becomes clear.
As the rich picture of a persona emerges, the persona takes on the qualities of a person.
Trusting a person tends to increase affective attractions.
Affective attractions are the glue that gives coherence to a conversation.
Trust is the necessary, but not sufficient, condition for self organization.
Importantly trust does not mean agreement.
The first level of Trust is knowing that that another person is listening and will respond.
A second level of Trust is knowing that a person is open to improving their own ideas.
A third level of Trust is becoming friends.
Once trust is present among two people the process can begin.
When trust emerges among three people, the collaborative process takes a non linear jump in the conversation itself.
The next stage is a quieter place that can thrive based on common intent.
With persistent exchange the space to unfold common & complementary intents emerges as a truly collaborative space.
Once the trust based collaborative space emerges, it is more likely that a group can evolve to a team.
As the team forms it can find intents that feeds back and forth to further develop the team & its members.
That is the process that has lead us to produce a peer review quality paper.
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