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M Ichael Josefowicz Dmitry Sokolov "Could you please give me a short summary, please?" I am on the prowl for a grant of about $10,000 to do some serious academic quality work with a virtual team. I figure a $2000 stipend for about three months work for anyone who raises their hand.. It would be great to find a grad student who wants to play.

The end result is a paper of peer review quality. The purpose of the paper is to translate systems/complexity/network of network rigorous work so anyone can understand it.

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Sept 1, 2016

The research agenda starts with a paper completed  of 30th April 2015 . If we do get support we can hunt down the work that has been done since then. You can find the paper at “A first prototype of TSI theory” http://bit.ly/2bTfVe4 I've started a slow read at NRI http://niask.pbworks.com/w/page/110635897/A%20first%20prototype%20of%20TSI%20theory . It is a much longer story, but the paper has the bibliography and framework that gives academic grounding for nemetics. I know we can produce the paper I described above. I have already worked with a virtual team of passionate amateurs to collaboratively write a paper that will appear in a peer reviewed encyclopedia. As of today, I am still a little concerned about the copyright police. The encyclopedia owns the copy right.  

The process of writing the proposal took about a week. All transmedia. No emails or phone calls. It was fun and easy. Once we got the confirmation for submission it took about three weeks to write the paper. It is a far cry from the time commitments required in a formal academic setting.  

The title and some excerpts from the paper.

Transmedia and Transliteracy in Nemetical Analysis

Michael Josefowicz, The International Nemetics Institute, USA/India

Ray Gallon, The Transformation Society, France/Spain

Neus Lorenzo, The Transformation Society, France/Spain


The increasing diversification of interconnected media platforms, which provide a complex discourse, demands an effective use of the space that is now called “transmedia.” This article provides terms and definitions for transmedia and for the new set of personal skills and abilities required to participate in it: “transliteracy.” It also presents the nemetic system, which facilitates analyzing, tracking, and visualizing communication interactions in virtual transmedia environments.

Learning to use these media requires skills beyond the traditional listening and reading, to be able to integrate multiple messages in multiple codes, as an essential skill both for personal and professional communication. This transliteracy is a complex ability of intertextual navigation, the strategy for coding and decoding the multidiscourse in the digital ecosystem.

These recursive communication experiences are the subject of recent research (Duarte, 2014) that explores cognitive patterns in narrative that can be represented through geometric models, consolidating the use of the term “fractal narrative” in the transmedia context. The aim of this multilevel analysis is to take into account individual discourse (micro level), collective interaction (meso level) and community knowledge building (macro level).  Interested readers will find a practical example of this in the documentation of the co-creative process that led to Daniel Durrant’s representation of a NEME (Figure 2 of this article) (Nemetics Institute, 2015).

In December 2010, Mark Frazier had explored the fractal essence of digital discourse, and debated with Spiro Spiliadis, Daniel Durrant, and Michael Josefowicz the possibilities of expressing its complexity using a symbolic language (Frazier, 2010). After this early work with Ebdish (Emergent by Design’ish), the nemetic system has emerged as a more elaborated code to express and visualize interactive communication processes in the transmedia ecosystem (De, 2014).







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