Back to MJ and ET Collaboration      MeC-EmC-CEN Dmitry 

A collaborative interchange dialogue experiment...

The process for this interchange dialogue is three fold (as depicted by the three columns).

1- In the first column the speaker presents a topic in their form - One is proposing/continuing a conversation idea/model.

B- On the second column the listener perceives the topic in an alternate form they prefer - Here 'the other' is seeking to understand the idea/model. 

('red' square) -  third is to directly depict the topic in the natural language whilst also employing distinctive concept names.

To facilitate recognizing actors key word and concept name the following color shame will be in place:
Blue -  ideas 

Michael's words will appear in D-Green
The words by Esteban will appear in D-Blue
Words in D-Red  will be for 'somebody'




Mention   ( M to e) Engage (E to m) Consensus (Entertained Notion)

This column is for the speaker

This column is for the listener  This column is a joint agreement  

Emission active-say 

Perception active-hear 

Conjoined validated active-shared concept

First Language

Second Language 

Natural language & concept names 
Notice is text taken from and sometimes changed from Esteban's paper. 
Engage is for highlights and observations. 
 is to observations and comments that are asking for a reply.  
Recognize is text taken from and sometimes changed from Esteban's paper. 
Consider is for highlights and observations. 
Act-accordingly is to observations and comments that are asking for a reply.   
Sense&Perceive is text taken from and sometimes changed from Esteban's paper. 
Handle is for highlights and observations. 
Definitive tradeoff  is to observations and comments that are asking for a reply.   


For reference